
Always a bridesmaid...

The thought of going into David's Bridal made me want to punch my leg for some reason, I mean I love fashion and dressing up but that store is huge and daunting and what if the zipper doesn't go up, you know? So anyway I recruited my friend Cathleen to go with me as time-wise we are getting down to the wire for ordering a dress for my brother and Randee's October wedding, so it was either bite the bullet or go naked. Luckily Randee has excellent taste and had picked out 7 styles to choose from; this was the clear winner once I tried them on. I love the brooch detail on the side and we were already plotting to skip a necklace and go with something in my hair. Plus the cut gives the illusion that I actually have a waist. This is the color it's going to be too which will look good on me. What groomsman will be able to resist? Definitely not the one I have in mind!


  1. That dress is gorgeous. It's going to look amazing with your skin, eyes, and hair. Can't wait to see pictures :)

  2. This was what my bridesmaids wore! In peridot! All the girls loved them, and even my 7-months-pregnant sister looked beautiful!

    You will look positively smashing, darling.

  3. umm, who is this groomsman you speak of? Not the one from time spent in CA is it?

  4. I agree that this dress will be awesome with your coloring. I actually can't believe that I never thought of this color for you but now that you have shown me the way I will buy tons of this for you when I see it.

    Now, as Erin says, who is this boy? And what about Workcrush?

  5. OF COURSE it's Grant! Who else?! The stars clearly never aligned for us because he would be horrible for me but I still feel that evil need to at least make-out with him. Workcrush is turning into like a welcome distraction while at work and will probably just be a friend. I need to get out big time and meet some new dudes. I'm thinking speed dating would be hi-larious...
