
Why I love a long weekend

I read 3 books and the entire Sunday New York Times between Friday and Monday. I am a word fiend.

I really enjoyed Cassandra and Jane by Jill Pitkeathley and am planning to send it to my sister. She'll love it as much as I did. Thank you, Laura, for the gift!

I breezed through 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff and I think Laura and Kathy would love it, too. It's the most perfect thing for a relaxed Sunday afternoon (and that's all the time it will take you).

Alison, go find The Sky Always Hears Me by Kristin Cronn-Mills. I loved it, and I think you will, too. Plus it's published by Flux, which is local!

Sorry, Erin and Coley, I have no recommendations for you this time.


  1. Merci Beaucoup, Lover. Will check the ole bibliotheque!

  2. heehee, bibliotheque! Kathy, forget learning spanish, your heart is truly in the french world!
