
Who here watches Lost?



  1. Good God, shoot me. Shoot me now. With a really big gun with really big bullets.

    WHY do I watch this show? It hurts me.

  2. I don't know, Trace, even if the bullet went THROUGH YOUR CHEST you'd probably still be able to swim to shore from a sinking submarine.

  3. You're probably right. And then I'd have to watch Locke (who, btw, has been my fave all along) cry, be abandoned, be pushed out a 20th-floor window, be hit by a car, and/or turn into evil personified.

    Do the writers just hate him or what?

  4. I can't yet! I have 2 episodes to catch up on. I am going to try an keep myself from reading the above comments!!!!

  5. I was in hysterics last night. Yelling, crying...I was supposed to watch with work crush but something came up and I didn't have time to go over there, thank god because my behavior probably would've weirded him out.

  6. We quit after an entire three seasons of "LOST" flashing up on the screen at the end of the episode and me yelling "FUCKED" and the same time and then proceeding to walk around the house yelling "lost. fucked. lost. fucked. i hate you i hate you i hate you." until hubby calmed me down. needless to say we had to quit in order to save our marriage from mass insanity and also not get our neighbors to report us to the landlord for the same thing.

  7. I don't watch Lost. And I hope not too, because I react in the same way the Cole does to shows that I am certain make way more sense than Lost, having not watched it. I also hate the idea of being a slave to Lost, somehow it makes me feel like I would be sacrificing my free will or something. I am glad that I am totally irrational about TV though, because every time P has to calm me down, I just remember that I would rather NOT be watching TV at all. Then I strive to do that instead.

  8. Just finished the final episode. Lost watchers, I didn't like it. I think at least. I did like that Vincent came back though... and that the last scene was the first scene.
